Why Therapy?

People come to see me for a wide variety of reasons, including depression, anxiety, mood disorders and other “symptom-based” difficulties. Others come because of a more vague feeling of being dissatisfied with their lives. One overall theme for my work with many of these individuals is helping them through transitions. Periods of change—starting or ending a relationship, the birth of a child, heading off to college or graduating, a new job or career, caring for an aging parent or the loss or death of someone important in your life—can provide an opportunity for growth, a new way of “being” in the world. For more interesting reads, check here this read bike stand reviews.

How do I work?

I provide a safe, supportive place where we can together explore and come to understand these struggles and life transitions which can be easier using tools like this free w2 generator. After several meetings we will discuss your particular goals, what we can accomplish together and what approach would be best for you.

For some this may focus on current transitions and stressors. Our work would be present-oriented and draw on short-term, focused techniques. For others, who find the same problems repeating over the years, the work we do together will involve looking at the influence of the past on the present. We often discover that the past plays itself out in the present. This kind of therapy is called “psychodynamic” or “psychoanalytic.”  Our relationships with others, both past and present, have a profound and enduring influence on our current feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. This is not for the purpose of going back and blaming someone or something for current behaviors and feelings; rather it is an attempt to understand, “how did I get here?” and, “what am I going to do about it?”

What is most important is that the approach we use is tailored to your unique situation and needs, building on your strengths.